Involving Students and Teaching Ideas

The Juvenilia Press was originally conceived as a classroom project. While it has grown well beyond those limits, pedagogy remains at the core of its mandate. Students are involved in every volume in some capacity, whether that be writing introductions, researching annotations, learning the importance of textual editing, drawing illustrations, or developing a book's layout and design. Working under the guidance of established scholars, they gain invaluable experience, practical skills, and publication.

Follow one of the links to the left to read about how to use juvenilia in the classroom to encourage young readers and young writers, to find links to some useful websites that will provide you with a wealth of information on our authors, and to learn more about student contributions to juvenilia volumes: read student editors' comments on the value of their experience as apprentice editors, and see samples of student artwork from our volumes.

Pamela Nutt with students from the Presbyerian Ladies Colleges

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